Tuesday 9 September 2014

Guest Post From Dahlia Nails - Honey Mustard

By the time you read this, I'll be in Turkey, sunning myself and taking advantage of the all inclusive food and cocktails...so I've organised some guest posters to take over my blog until I'm back! First up is Dahlia Nails, a blog ran by Emma and Jo, two really nice girls who I had the pleasure of meeting and having lunch with at an event in London. A blog ran by two people is pretty unique, and they manage to make it work so well! You get a good mix of styles between the 2 girls, and they're definitely worth checking out. 

You can find Dahlia Nails at - Blog | Twitter | Facebook | Instagram | Pinterest

We are so honoured to guest post for Allie, aka Brit Nails, as we're massive fans!! We hope you don't miss Allie too much today and enjoy our work. 

Ok, we'll admit it, we're totally in love with the new Autumn/Winter Gellys from Barry M. We were feeling a bit sad about letting go of our summer brights, but this gorgeous range left us itching to create some more muted designs. You can see full swatches and reviews of the whole range on our earlier blog post, here, and Allie's swatches here

We received a couple of requests to create some nail art with the range, so have happily obliged. Today we used Mustard* and Chai* two of our faves from the collection (although the others only trail a teeny bit behind, ah it's so hard to choose!)

Starting with the patterned nails we painted a base of two coats of Barry M - White. Once this was dry we used a dotting tool to add medium sized dots in Mustard*, as close together as we could get them. A couple of dots ended up touching but thankfully you can't really tell in the end. To complete the design we painted the remaining two nails in solid grey Chai* and topped it all with trusty Seche.

We titled this blog honey and mustard as the colour and uniform pattern of the Mustard* nails reminded us of honeycomb. This coincides nicely with the harvest, a time of year when people all around the UK collect up their honey - yum!

Are you looking forward to bringing out your autumnal shades?

Love and hugs,



  1. Hope you are having an amazing time in Turkey Allie! I love the design Emma & Jo created - you both always come up with the best colour combinations! :)

  2. Couldn't tell if I liked or didn't like the mustard colour when I first saw swatches but I really like it paired with white!

  3. Looks like a honeycomb, I love it :)

  4. So pretty!



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