Sunday, 14 September 2014

Guest Post From Polly Polish - Unicorn Chevrons

My fourth guest post comes from Hannah, aka Polly Polish. This is Hannah's second appearance on my blog - she created these nails for me last year. I can never say enough how great Hannah is, I don't know what I'd do without her on a daily basis for a good rant, and her help with tweaking code is indispensable (the woman is a genius) so I'm super happy to have her back on my blog, especially as she's created some adorable nail art with my piCture pOlish shade! 

You can find Polly Polish at -  Blog | Twitter | Instagram | Facebook

I know I'm taking a bit of a gamble with this post for Allie. She's not the sort to blow her own trumpet, using her piCture pOlish creation 'Unicorn' could backfire on me, either if she doesn't like my design, or is just a bit embarrassed. Well, tough titties Allie, because despite her insistence that this wouldn't be 'my kind of colour', it's a brilliant creation. She could've made a brown polish and I'd still buy it, use it, and love it.

So, here's Allie's 'Unicorn'. I have swatched this previously so I know it's a three coater. I wanted to show how bright and fun it can look using just one coat over a white base. The base here is Models Own Hyper Gel 'White Light' which I masked off with some right angled nail vinyls and painted over with 'Unicorn' before removing the tape and covering with a top coat that I can't yet reveal because I'm testing it for a brilliant brand. Suffice to say this top coat is also a winner. You could get the same pattern by applying the white over a base of 'Unicorn' but I think the white being underneath makes the turquoise base of this polish sing that bit more, as well as showing off the pink and silver glitter, along with a subtle pink shimmer. 'Unicorn' is a terribly cute polish that really lives up to it's magical name.


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