Saturday, 27 June 2015

Summer Polish Favourites 2015

Following on from my Spring Polish Favourites post back in April which proved to be really popular, I've hand picked another six polishes, this time for Summer! Again it was really difficult to narrow it down and there's a good few that almost made it, but here's my final list!

Wednesday, 24 June 2015

Rimmel Favourites

Press Sample

Rimmel recently re-launched their 60 seconds range with a new formula and also released a new Rita Ora collection for Summer, and I've chosen my 8 favourites to share with you today. You might be surprised I haven't chosen more brights, but the darks and neutrals really stood out to me too!


Monday, 22 June 2015

Pretty Serious Iktsuarpok Swatches

Pretty Serious Iktsuarpok

Today I've got a polish from the Stop! Collaborate and Listen collection by Pretty Serious to show you. As you may have guessed, this collection is all about blogger collaborations, and this shade is by my friend Hannah of Polly Polish who was kind enough to gift me a bottle.

Monday, 15 June 2015

Spell Polish Wedding Trio Swatches and Review

Spell Polish Wedding Trio

Press Sample

Hi! It's been a bit quiet around here lately as I'm working on a project outside the blog, but I'm back today to show you the new Wedding Trio from Spell Polish which is launching today - available for a special lower price for a limited time, so if you've been wanting to try Spell Polish but haven't yet, now is the perfect time!

Thursday, 11 June 2015

piCture pOlish Desire + Nail Art

Press Sample

Today I've got swatches of a beautiful shade from piCture pOlish plus some nail art! I can't get enough of my stamping plates lately, between MoYou, Pet'la and the Creative Shop stamper, I've really got back into it!


Monday, 8 June 2015

Mavala Garden Party Swatches and Review

Mavala Garden Party Collection

Press Sample

Today I've got 4 shades from the Mavala Garden Party collection for Spring/Summer 2015 to share with you, a collection of sweet and girly soft shades inspired by the floral trends of the SS '15 catwalks. I've actually never tried Mavala until now, I was surprised to learn how many shades they have! 


Saturday, 6 June 2015

Cirque Juicy Collection Nail Art

I posted a sneak peek of this manicure on Instagram yesterday, and here it is in its full glory! I created this bright and colourful nail art using colours from the Cirque Juicy Collection - ever since I got the colours I've been dying to use them in some nail art, and this is what I came up with!


Thursday, 4 June 2015

Dance Legend Malibu Swatches and Review

Dance Legend Malibu

Press Sample

Today I have my picks of the Dance Legend Malibu polishes to share with you, a collection of 8 creme/jellies (I not-so-secretly hate the word crelly, I can't even bear to type it) with summery matte glitter. I of course picked the yellow one, along with a minty green.


Monday, 1 June 2015

Cirque Juicy Collection Swatches and Review

Cirque Juicy Collection

Press Sample

I have some beautiful summer brights to share with you today in the form of the Cirque Juicy collection! 6 bright and bold holo shades for Summer 2015, inspired by "luscious days and summertime favourites"...sounds good to me! Now can we actually have some summer please, England? :P Pic heavy post ahead...

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