Friday, 15 June 2012

Ciate Purple Sherbet - Swatches

What's with all the amazing freebies magazines are giving away lately? Glamour, In Style, Marie Claire...I must have spent a small fortune on magazines. I can't get enough of that Benefit Porefessional stuff, I fear I may have to buy a full-size one.

Marie Clare is giving away Ciate polishes with it's June issue (not bad considering they're usually £9 a bottle) and this is the one I got.

Click to enlarge

Ciate Purple Sherbet

Purple Sherbet is a pale, dusky lilac creme. It's super subtle but really pretty. I used three coats to build up the opacity a bit.

Ciate Purple Sherbet

Ciate Purple Sherbet

Ciate Purple Sherbet

This is my first Ciate polish (I've been a bit put off ever since the whole caviar manicure fiasco) the formula is great and easy to work with, but no better than a Barry M or a Models Own and they're much cheaper! The bottle is SO cute though, and I am a sucker for a pretty bottle, and I do like the wide, flat brush, so I would consider buying more of these.

Ciate Purple Sherbet

I imagine it's only a matter of time before I get polish on the bow...



  1. Pretty. :) I like the Ciaté bottles too, but the bow annoys me a little.. I just know I'm going to end up ripping it off by accident or something.

  2. I love the Ciate bottles too, really cute but the bow sometimes gets in the way. At first glance I thought purple sherbet looked the same as Barry M - Berry icecream but your swatches make it look paler? So I think I might have to pick up purple sherbet!

    1. Yeah it is paler, I'll probably do a comparison post!

  3. Sweet looking color and the bottles are so cute!

  4. i love it !! the bottles are so pretty, i only used mine once and i got polish on the bow!


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