Monday, 21 January 2013

Abstract Shapes

Hi! We had more snow here last night. It's so deep in places my dog actually completely sank in it! Have you got snow where you are?

Today's nail art was inspired by this post, by Chalkboard Nails. I just used less colours and my shapes are a bit more tightly packed.

I used Barry M Cyan Blue for the base, then painted on the shapes with a striper brush, using Silver Foil Effects and Grapefruit, both also by Barry M. 

Also, the reason you aren't seeing my thumb is because it is ALWAYS broken really far down. I'm currently using OPI Nail Envy on it, so hopefully it'll come out of retirement soon!



  1. These colours look great together. Love the abstract design. We have plenty of snow in Norfolk. Our youngest dog almost disappears in places as its so thick! :) xx


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