Wednesday, 14 October 2015

Paint The Rainbow - The UK's First Indie Nail Polish Box

Paint The Rainbow Indie Polish Box

Press Sample

If you're a nail polish fanatic, you'll no doubt have heard of all-indie polish boxes such as A Box, Indied (US) and What's Indie Box (AUS) which are monthly boxes filled with exclusive indie polishes from a number of different makers. Well, now the UK has it's very own box called Paint The Rainbow, from the people behind Rainbow Connection, and I have the September box to show you today.

In each Paint The Rainbow box you'll receive 5 full sized, specially created polishes plus a bonus item (bonus items so far have been nail vinyls and a cuticle oil) and each month there's a new theme. The theme for September's box is Children's Books and features polishes by Too Fancy Lacquer, Grace-full, Bear Pawlish, Colors By Llarowe and Freckles Polish.

Second Star by Grace-full is a twilight blue with quite a strong holo effect. I used 2 coats plus top coat

Grace-full Polish Second Star

Grace-full Polish Second Star

The Patronus Charm by Too Fancy Lacquer is a dark metallic blue holo with blue shimmer (sadly not evident in my pictures) I used 2 coats plus top coat

Too Fancy Lacquer The Patronus Charm

Too Fancy Lacquer The Patronus Charm

Thing 1 and Thing 2 by Colors By Llarowe is a turquoise leaning blue holo with pink/purple flash which my camera didn't seem to want to pick up. I love this colour so much, the holo is so strong under certain lighting! 2 coats plus top coat

Colors by Llarowe Thing 1 and Thing 2

Colors by Llarowe Thing 1 and Thing 2

The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Freckles Polish is a forest green with a sprinkling of holo, gold flakies and gold shimmer. I used 3 thin coats plus top coat

Freckles Polish The Very Hungry Caterpillar

Freckles Polish The Very Hungry Caterpillar

Here's a "by accident" shot, which I ended up liking more than the other swatches...typical.

Freckles Polish The Very Hungry Caterpillar

The Pigeon by Bear Pawlish is an icy blue holo with larger holographic sparkle. This is a little more sheer than the others, I used 3 thick coats plus top coat.

Bear Pawlish The Pigeon

Bear Pawlish The Pigeon

Paint The Rainbow Indie Nail Polish Box

I love the fact us UK girls (and boys) now have the option of an indie box without having to pay for expensive international postage, and having UK indie makers on board makes it that extra bit special. Have you ever bought an all-indie polish box? Let me know your thoughts!


- Paint The Rainbow boxes are available from Rainbow Connection, and you can still pick up a September box. October's box will be available soon.

Connect with Rainbow Connection: Facebook | Twitter | Instagram



  1. Ooooh! What an amazing box! I love all shades but especially the green :)

  2. What a beautiful box and I love the idea of making a theme each month. It also seems like a great value for money for such an awesome box packed with goodies. That beautiful green looks perfect on you.

  3. Loved your swatches and the whole post. But I was a teeny tiny baffled at how a box called Paint the Rainbow had so little colour variety :( So many blues - don't get me wrong, they're gorgeous and I get the theme idea, but... so little variety still.

    1. Hi Mina, we usually have a variety of colours but it just happens this month our makers decided to go with themes that show a variety of blues/greens :) - Paint the Rainbow

  4. This box is so awesome!! I understand Mina's point, if you're not into blues or greens this box isn't for you but I personally quite like the shade selection. Your swatches show these off so beautifully.

  5. A box full of blues and greens is a winner in my book! Plus your swatches are perfection. I can't wait to see what the other months will be!

  6. looks like my comment! I was just saying that it's the first time I've heard of this box and it looks pretty. i think maybe little bit of a colour variation wouldn't hurt. Lovely swatches as always Allie x

    1. Thank you! :) I think there'll be wider selections in future, just so happened that the makers all went for a similar colour scheme for this one!

  7. There are always sneak peaks before it goes on general sale so you can get a good idea of the polishes you'll be getting. I really love that about this box. Annette is great at keeping you salivating!

  8. This box sounds right up my street! :D


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