Monday, 25 June 2012

Jewellery Inspired

I'm not sure what to call this design/pattern. I sat for ages thinking of something. Any ideas? Abstract maybe? I don't know. So for the title of this post I went with the ever-so-imaginitive 'Jewellery Inspired'.

The pattern is from an owl locket I got from eBay ages ago. 

(Quick question, when it comes to nail art, do you prefer pictures where the person is holding the bottle or not?)

The base colour is H&M Golden Temptress, and the pattern is black acrylic paint, painted on with a teeny tiny nail art brush, finished with a NYC top coat.

It took ages to get all those fiddly little patterns on! This has some serious staying power too, I've had it on for days and it hasn't chipped or even worn away at the tips.

Here's the owl locket - 

I really like this and might try it with some different colours.


Thursday, 21 June 2012

Pink Leopard

I've never really got on well with leopard print. When done well it can look really good, and there seems to be many ways of doing it, but I can never seem to get it right! And it always looks so easy. I don't even want to think about my earlier attempts at leopard print. 

Today I used a tutorial from Chalkboard Nails to see if it helped, but it still didn't turn out how I wanted! Leopard, you are my nemesis.

My base colour is Color Club I Believe In Amour, the shiny dots are Models Own Mystic Mauve and the outline is Barry M Shocking Pink.

Click to enlarge

Eh, could be worse! I'll keep trying!


Tuesday, 19 June 2012

Colourful Hearts

I am procrastinating terribly today. I have a mountain of washing as tall as me, I can't see my bed for the masses of clothes and ugh I am basically a slob. So, obviously, instead of cleaning it up I am posting on here.

I love working on white bases, it's like a nice clean canvas on your nails. I've been looking for a good white polish for a while because my Barry M white keeps going gloopy (might still be good for stamping?) and I decided on Essie Blanc, and it was a good choice.

I also have fancy new watermarks that follow the curve of my nail, which drove me insane trying to do properly!

So I started with my base of Essie Blanc, then I used a medium sized nail art brush to paint on the hearts. The colours, top to bottom, are - Models Own Bubblegum, China Glaze Custom Kicks, Models Own Tangerine Queen and Barry M Cyan Blue.

I then outlined in black acrylic paint using a smaller nail art brush, and finished with top coat.

I already want to do more nail art with a white base, I'll end up with no white polish left.

Don't forget to like my facebook page, if you would be so kind!


Sunday, 17 June 2012

Barry M Lemon Ice Cream - Swatches

I've finally made a Facebook page for my blog, and I'd be really grateful if you could take a second and 'like' it for me - 

It's not finished yet, I'm still adding stuff and it'll probably take me ages because I don't understand Facebook :P I don't even know how to get a widget for it on here so people can like it. Gah!

Anyway, I'm in an ice cream kind of mood today. Has anyone tried those Ben & Jerry's core things? Ugh, they should be made illegal for being so fatteningly amazing. I digress.

This is Lemon Ice Cream from Barry M, it's part of a set of four 'ice cream' shades.

Barry M Lemon Ice Cream

It's a bright lemon, pastel creme (can something be bright AND pastel at the same time? Well, this is!) and I am not sure how well it goes with my olive skin. 

Barry M Lemon Ice Cream

It's very, very...yellow. I enjoy it though. Formula is typical of a pastel creme (a little thin and streaky) but also has the typical smoothness of a Barry M, so it balances out. I used three thin coats, but there's still a tiny bit of visible nail line.

Barry M Lemon Ice Cream

It looks much yellower in some lights (above)

Barry M Lemon Ice Cream

It's made me want to eat some lemon sorbet actually.


Friday, 15 June 2012

Ciate Purple Sherbet - Swatches

What's with all the amazing freebies magazines are giving away lately? Glamour, In Style, Marie Claire...I must have spent a small fortune on magazines. I can't get enough of that Benefit Porefessional stuff, I fear I may have to buy a full-size one.

Marie Clare is giving away Ciate polishes with it's June issue (not bad considering they're usually £9 a bottle) and this is the one I got.

Click to enlarge

Ciate Purple Sherbet

Purple Sherbet is a pale, dusky lilac creme. It's super subtle but really pretty. I used three coats to build up the opacity a bit.

Ciate Purple Sherbet

Ciate Purple Sherbet

Ciate Purple Sherbet

This is my first Ciate polish (I've been a bit put off ever since the whole caviar manicure fiasco) the formula is great and easy to work with, but no better than a Barry M or a Models Own and they're much cheaper! The bottle is SO cute though, and I am a sucker for a pretty bottle, and I do like the wide, flat brush, so I would consider buying more of these.

Ciate Purple Sherbet

I imagine it's only a matter of time before I get polish on the bow...


Monday, 11 June 2012

True Blood nail art

True Blood is one of my favourite TV programmes, and it just started it's 5th season yesterday, so I did some True Blood inspired nail art to celebrate! It feels like I've been waiting for season 5 for ages, I have certainly missed some Alexander Skarsgard in my life...

True Blood nail art

Red and black gradient, blood spatter, an attempt at the logo and some blood drips. The red is China Glaze Winter Berry, a perfect blood-red that I got on sale in Sally's for £2! If you want to know the other colours used, just ask in the comments.

True Blood nail art

True Blood nail art

Also, I think it's time I made a Facebook for my blog. I've been avoiding it as lord knows Facebook is a pain. All of you who have one for your blog, did you make the page from your regular personal account, or did you make it completely separate? What is the best way to do it? 


Sunday, 10 June 2012

Candy Lacquer Modern Love - Swatches

This is my first foray into the world of indie (home-made) polishes. I bought this from Sandra @ Candy Lacquer a little while ago and it arrived today. Go look at her shop, she has some lovely things for sale!

Candy Lacquer Modern Love

Click the jump to see :)


Wednesday, 6 June 2012

Barry M Copper - Swatches

Hi! Before I start, I wanted to ask if any of you ever got offered paid advertisements...I've never had it before but somebody asked me earlier. Are they generally legit? Is it worth doing? I have no idea. Help!

Anyway, this is Copper by Barry M, one of their newest polishes. It looks very similar to OPI Warm and Fozzie, and I might do a comparison post soon (I'd have included it here but I didn't think I owned warm and fozzie...but on closer inspection, apparently I do. Oops).

Click the pictures to enlarge.

Barry M Copper

It's a copper foil full of gold, pink and red flecks. I think I see green too? 

Barry M Copper

It flashes copper/brown/gold depending on the light source. It's super pretty and in this case pictures really don't do it justice.

Barry M Copper

Application is perfect, really smooth and it's opaque in two coats, but you might want to watch out for bald spots!

Barry M Copper

Click the jump for direct sunlight pictures!


Saturday, 2 June 2012

Diamond Jubilee nail art

This weekend is the Queen's Diamond Jubilee here in the UK. It marks her 60th year as Queen and we get a four day weekend to celebrate! Thank you very much, Queen Liz!

Here is the mani I'll be wearing for the weekend

Eh, it's not the best. I wasn't feeling particularly creative. If you want to know colours, ask in the comments and I'll try and remember!

Have a great weekend whatever you're doing. There's a street party in the road next to mine...I might check out the catering :P

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