Friday, 12 September 2014

Guest Post From Nails By Danielle T - Autumn Toadstools

My third guest post is from Danielle of @nailsbydaniellet on Instagram. You may well already be familiar with her by now, she's been steadily gaining popularity on Instagram, and so she should - she does beautifully detailed nail art and has the cutest nail shape ever. Danielle doesn't have a blog yet but I'm hoping she decides to create one soon because I enjoyed reading about the process behind these nails. I'm a big fan of her work so I'm really excited she agreed to a guest post!

You can find Danielle at - Instagram | Twitter

Hello everyone, I’m Danielle from @nailsbydaniellet on Instagram and I am so excited to show you my autumn inspired manicure today! I’ve been following Allie’s work for a couple of years and I have her stunning swatches to thank for my rapidly growing polish collection- I’m sure you can relate! I was so honoured when she invited me to create a blog post to share with you all (I may have squealed a little) and in anticipation of autumn, I thought I would attempt the toadstool nail art I've been thinking about for so long.

For this manicure I used Essie’s ‘Sand Tropez' for my base and acrylic paint for all of the details. I started by painting the heads of the red toadstools, then mixed a few different yellow shades to create some dimension for their chubby stems. Once the focal point of each nail was done, I fitted in a mixture of smaller, neutral-toned mushrooms, dandelion seeds and added extra plants for pops of colour around them. To outline the toadstools and mushrooms, I watered down my black paint and used a finer nail art brush (professionally trimmed with nail clippers) very lightly to define them

My thumb rarely makes a full appearance but I often quickly try out a design on it first, so I thought she deserved a mention and a photo with my trial toadstools.

I am really happy with the way these turned out, and SO ready to go and buy the entire Barry M Autumn/Winter Gelly collection (again, thanks to Allie!) then throw myself into a pile of autumn manicures. Thank you so much for taking the time to read my post, I really hope you enjoyed it. I would love to hear what you think and of course, feel free to visit my Instagram and have a look around!


  1. This is so cute! You're very talented (and I am very jealous) haha! x
    Ellie |

    1. Thank you so much, that's so kind of you!! :) x

  2. Awk these are so so cute, and so well painted. Really liked this look!! :)

  3. Aaaah these are adorable! You should write a blog to accompany your IG! Emma & Jo.xx

    1. Aww, thank you! I loved doing this guest post so much that I've actually created one now! The link is in my Instagram bio, it is called Nails 'n' Bobs :) I'm so pleased you guys liked this post! Danielle x

  4. This is adorable! I wish I was half as talented!

  5. Wow, these are so sweet! I love them!


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