Tuesday, 23 April 2013

House of Wonderland Rockin' Claws Nail Decals - Review

House of Wonderland is an independent jewellery and accessories company from the UK, specialising in Retro and Rockabilly styles, run by a lovely lady called Tessa. They're about to launch a line of water decals for your nails, and I have a little preview!

Click the jump for the review!

If you're unfamiliar with water decals, they're pretty simple to use. You cut out your design, place in some warm water for about 30 seconds until your design slides off the backing paper, and place onto your nail. Using tweezers is essential in this process so make sure you have some! 

The True Love tattoo-style lettering caught my eye first

I found it a little difficult to get them to lie flat because of how curvy my nails are. I'd advise patting them down as much as you can using a cotton pad if you have curvy nails. Once you've got them to lie flat though, they look great! I loved the letters over a nude base to give it that tattoo look.

Unfortunately the little moustache and eye designs were too tiny to be visible on my nails :( you couldn't make out what they were, which is a shame because it's a cute idea. I went with a Unicorn instead, which looks really fun over the pastel gradient (I automatically think of pastel colours when I think of Unicorns...and yes I tend to think about Unicorns a lot!)

I loved these decals, especially the tattoo letters! They're great for quickly spicing up a manicure and I'm a fan of the Rockabilly style.

Rockin' Claws nail decals will be available soon from House of Wonderland, in 8 different styles (I've seen some Jack Skellington ones which I'm dying to try!)

Follow House of Wonderland on - Facebook | Twitter 



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