Monday, 23 April 2012

Models Own Ibiza Mix - Swatches (+matte!)

Ibiza Mix is from the new Models Own Hed Kandi collection (Hed Kandi was originally a record label/style of dance/house music but is now has it's own clothing range, nightclubs, etc.etc.) I'm a big fan of chunky glitter and was so happy to see they'd released one!

In my pictures I've layered two coats of Ibiza Mix over two coats of Barry M Black.

Click to enlarge

Models Own Ibiza Mix

It's a multi-coloured mix of small and large hexagonal glitter pieces, all in a clear base. It's quite densely packed for a chunky glitter. Two coats of topcoat should smooth the surface out.

This is what it looks like by itself:

Models Own Ibiza Mix

Copper, gold, turquoise, blue, lilac...lots of colours!

Models Own Ibiza Mix

Models Own Ibiza Mix

It looks so good over black! 

I also tried out a matte topcoat. Click the jump to see

This is with a layer of 17 Nail Extras matte topcoat - 

Models Own Ibiza Mix

Models Own Ibiza Mix

Matte chunky glitter = one of my favourite things ever!



  1. This looks great! I love matte glitter.

  2. Whoa, this looks so cool. I, too, am a huge fan of chunky glitter and this one is fab.

    God, I feel so stupid, I had no idea matte topcoats existed. Definitely adding to my wishlist. :)

  3. I like it matte :) really makes the glitter pop

  4. this is a gorgeous glitter! looks great matte and shiny

  5. i love how the matte looks with this!

  6. Love the matte glitter look!

  7. Gorgeous! Love the matte look. I need to add this to my wishlist :-)
    I gave you an award on my blog :-)

  8. Wow that Is amazing!!! Love it over black too!

    - iv nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award :D -


    1. Gah, I've only just seen this! Sorry! Thank you for the award! :)


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