Saturday, 29 October 2011

Halloween Blood Spatter Nails

Here's the first of my Halloween manis (maybe the last depending on how much time I get!) I've seen this mani on plenty of people before, but I just had to try it myself. I usually wouldn't leave the polish pooled in my cuticles but I think it adds to the effect here!

I used Snow White and Red Alert by Models Own, and of course, a trusty straw!

I know Halloween isn't 'til Monday but I think most people are having parties etc. this weekend, so have fun! :)



  1. I am rocking the blood spatter mani too lololol... my spatters are not as spattery! Crap would not come off the straww. Also next time I will not use precious colors.. I drained much of a Butter London so I will be sporting this til it chips like mad lolol

  2. Maly, google "blood spatter nails tutorial" it will explain much better than I could! It's very easy though.

    ewww b I know, I drained lots of the red, it's a pain to get on the straw! Mine's coming off today though. Update your blog!!


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