Wednesday, 5 September 2012

New from Barry M - Gelly Nail Paint

Barry M has another exciting release coming up! I'm already a huge fan of jelly-finish polishes but find them pretty hard to come by in the UK, but Barry M saves the day again! Apparently they're going to be 1-coaters...I've never experienced a 1-coat jelly before, so I'm intrigued.

Pictures from the Barry M Facebook page (click to enlarge) -

Info from Barry M - 

Colours include: Plum (Purple) gnp1, Blackberry (Navy) gnp2, Watermelon (Dark Green) gnp3, Blood Orange (Red) gnp4, Blueberry (Light blue) gnp5, Prickly Pear (Light Purple) gnp6, Satsuma (Orange) gnp7, Grapefruit (Pink) gnp8, Pomegranate (Hot Pink) gnp9

Website launch on September 21st

Official in-store launch date: Superdrug September 26th & Boots October 3rd

RRP £3.99.

Look at that orange! and the teal! Yes, I get way too excited over new things.

Are you looking forward to this collection?



  1. Wow this looks so cool! Never tried a 'jelly-finish' nail polish before, need to try this when it's released!xx

    1. Jellies are my favourite! You should definitely try some :)

  2. Ohhhh I'm way too excited after seeing this!! Can't wait :)

  3. I love Barry M and always try their new ranges! Can't wait!x

  4. I absolutely adore jellies. I'm guessing though, that if they're one coaters, they're not really jellies but thick, high shine cremes.

  5. I can't imagine how they can be jellies and one coaters, I can't wait to find out more about them though!

  6. Can't wait to see them in shops. For what i see theirs no glitter polishes.

  7. Lol, I'm asking for jellies collection since MONTHS! <3


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