Saturday, 25 February 2012

New blog name! And first nail wheel!

I finally got around to changing my blog name. I had a nightmare with it at first, and ended up preventing everyone seeing my updates. Seems just changing the blog URL does not work well. I spoke with Alexandra @ SparklyVernis, she was a big help and I decided to just buy the domain. So everything should hopefully be re-directed. Also thank you to Mel @ Glassflecked for listening to me rant in horror that I'd broken my blog, and finally thanks to everyone who commented on my help post yesterday :)

Anyway, this blog is now called Brit Nails. Not crazily exciting but I just wanted simple and to the point! Lush Lacquer is no more, but any links to it should be redirected. I also have a new, clean and simple layout. 

SO! Here is my first completed nail wheel. There are a couple of designs on it that I'm not fond of, but I had lots of fun doing it. Already working on more! It's such good practice.

If anybody wants to know specific colours, drop a comment or an email. 



  1. I wanted to change my url but it seems so hard. How much are domains? I love your nail wheel especially the cherries and heart tattoo x x

  2. I love the roses and the blue and silver cheetah! :)

  3. oooo all so cute, nice work! and yayyy ! LOVES IT

  4. looove the cupcake design !!! very very pretty !! it calls for a BLOGTORIAL ( blog tutorial lol )

  5. @Chantelle, mine was £6 per year, I had to pay 2 years upfront though. If you change JUST your blog URL, your followers will lose access to your blog. So don't do that!

    @Lexi, thank you!

    @Mel, I hope I don't hate it after a week. You know what I'm like!

    @AAR, You read my mind, I've been thinking of doing some tutorials :)


I appreciate all comments, but please do not leave links. Thank you! :)

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